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This seminar will be followed immediately by the HSRAANZ AGM (3:00pm – 3:30pm).
All HSRAANZ members are invited to attend.

Measuring and Improving Efficiency in Health Care

In our guest seminar, Professor Todd Wagner explores the bridging of implementation science and health economics, with a focus on how researchers can improve efficiency in health care delivery systems.

Todd Wagner is a Professor in the Department of Surgery at Stanford University. He has worked extensively in health care delivery systems where economics and clinical care intersect, raising questions about cost, efficiency, and quality. Todd is particularly interested in developing learning health care systems that provide high value care. In addition to his role at Stanford, he Directs the Health Economics Resource Center at the Palo Alto VA, where he is a Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Research Career Scientist and he co-directs the Department of Veterans Affairs and National Cancer Institute (VA/NCI) Big Data Fellowship. Todd is on the editorial board for Health Services Research, Medical Decision Making, and American Journal of Health Promotion.

Target Audience
Researchers, students and health professionals who are interested in health care service delivery and clinical research.

In Person: AusHSI (Seminar Room, Level 4, Q Block, 60 Musk avenue)
Online: Zoom (link sent after registration)

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