Bridget Abell
Program Lead – Community Health
Bridget is an Early Career Research Fellow in Health Services Research and Implementation Science at AusHSI. In this role she works collaboratively with organisations and healthcare teams, using mixed-methods approaches to design, plan and implement health service change, and conduct clinical and implementation evaluations. She also teaches and mentors health service staff in implementation science methodology and is particularly interested in developing pragmatic ways for them to use this knowledge in their own practice.
Bridget is also a qualified Exercise Scientist who began her career working clinically in Australia and the UK in the diagnosis and rehabilitation of people with cardiovascular disease. Consequently, her real passion is in applying health services research and implementation science to improve the delivery of cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. However, implementation science methodology is broadly applicable across many disciplines and Bridget’s research experience and interests span cancer care, physical activity, digital healthcare, mental health, child health, public health, refugee and migrant health, and emergency medicine. Her previous clinical work in the private and public healthcare systems also provides a wealth of experience to draw on when working with stakeholders at all levels. It also means she places high value on participatory and collaborative research partnerships.